zNFT Token Standard

Usage & Flow

Role Setup

  • Assign Roles: Use the role management handlers (Roles/Add, Roles/Remove, Roles/Get-Roles) to assign roles such as admin and minter.


  • Mint New Tokens:
    Use the Mint handler by providing a recipient and valid structured metadata.
  • Supply Check:
    The minting process verifies that the total number of minted tokens does not exceed the maximum supply.

Metadata Management

  • Update Metadata:
    The Manage/Update-Metadata handler allows updating token metadata unless it has been frozen.
  • Freeze Metadata:
    Metadata can be frozen to ensure immutability.

Contract Pausing

  • Pause/Unpause:
    The Pausable/Pause and Pausable/Unpause handlers allow an admin to pause or resume the contract.

Royalty Management

  • Configure Royalties:
    The Manage/Set-Royalty handler is used by an admin to set the global royalty percentage and recipient.
  • Query Royalties:
    The Get-Royalty handler retrieves the current royalty settings.

NFT Operations

  • Transfers, Approvals, and Burning:
    Standard handlers (e.g., Transfer, Approve, Get-Approved, Set-Approval-For-All, Is-Approved-For-All, Burn) enable typical NFT operations.
  • Query Functions:
    Handlers such as Balance-Of, Owner-Of, Token-Metadata, and All-Tokens provide necessary information for UI display or indexing.

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